As part of the Lost Wor(l)ds project, we are not just hoping to create and share nature-related activities that facilitate multilingualism in the classroom, we also want to celebrate and showcase the schools that do!

Every month, we are hoping to share schools on our blog who have used one or more of our activities, to gather examples of good practice, to showcase pupils’ language skills, and to enable schools to evidence their engagement with multilingualism in the classroom.
The 21st February is “International Mother Tongue Day”, making February a fantastic month to become involved (although any and all schools are welcome at any time)!
What would you need to do? It’s easy:
- Pick one of more of the activities on our website, and use it in the classroom (or as a home learning activity, of course)! Whether you use it in a single class, across a year group, or the entire school, everything goes! Want to inspire the school school to go on a Winter Scavenger Hunt? Brilliant! Support a class to create multilingual picture poems? We have you covered! Get some music into the Curriculum with the Happy Bug Ball or Old MacDonald? Look no further. Any of our activities, used in any way that is suitable for your context.
- Document children’s work (or ask them to document it themselves, if appropriate) – uploaded completed worksheets, photos of artwork, recordings of songs, photos of kids out in the wild, we’d love to see them all (please bear in mind institutional data protection agreements with parents)!
- Leave some feedback – every single activity page has a link to a feedback form – no matter how many activities you do, you only need to fill in the form once, but it greatly helps us improve the website and the activities.
- Let us know! Either Tweet the results and tag us (@lostwor_l_ds), or drop us an email at – if it’s not obvious, tell us your school, year group, activity involved, etc. Leave a contact name, so that when we prepare a blog post in your school’s honour, we can check that we got all the details right.
That’s all! While we obviously hope that schools will use our activities over an extended period of time, our school showcases are intended to not only help us publicise the project, but also give schools the opportunity to publicly showcase linguistic diversity, encourage positive engagement with multilingualism, and give children a chance to show off their language skills.
So go on, we can wait to feature your school!