A calligram uses words to create a visual image – a perfect opportunity for children to use their various languages.
This activity comes with a supporting PowerPoint and a number of worksheets, although children may want to create their own.
This activity would also be great for the MFL classroom, either as part of a Languages Day activity, or as a creative way to engage with new vocabulary, or revision. Multilingual children can bring their various languages to the task, which is also particularly suitable as a home learning activity.
See below for a little gallery with some of the creative ideas shared with us so far, and be sure to share yours with us, too.
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Rima worked with her young daughter to create this Lithuanian calligram of a stork – the stork being the national bird of Lithuania. Toby, age 6, shared everything he knows about bats in this calligram. Aris, age 7, made this whale out of lots of Spanish words associated with water, the ocean, different body parts, and, of course, the word for whale. Jiaolin focused on a panda for her Chinese calligram. Tymek, age 14, made this Calligram out of Polish words related to Christmas